
The eye is the window
Enrico Mascelloni, Max Clarac-Serou, 2002
rectangular 136 pages
Publisher: Edizioni Galleria d'Arte Maggiore g.a.m.
Dimensions: 17 x 24 cm

"Sebastian Matta in over sixty years imagines huge portions of space crossed by bursts of light, whose hang there forms, figures, fragments, that aren’t merely forms and figures and fragments of objects and bodies, but also of space, since in Matta’s paintings space has the same substance liquid-cromatic of everything that occupies it”.

Views during the fight i.e. historie grille', by Enrico Mascelloni, in Matta, edited by Enrico Mascelloni and Max Clarac-Serou, catalogue of the exhibition at Galleria d'Arte Maggiore g.a.m., Bologna, 2002

Matta: The eye is the window
€ 15.00