A Catalogue Raisonné for Leoncillo

January 1, 1995

Galleria Maggiore has always attentively followed the great masters who wrote the most important pages of Italian history of art.

Among those artists is certainly present Leoncillo, pseudonym of Leoncillo Leonardi, a sculptor born in Siena that became a protagonist of the Roman scene starting from the 1940s. Galleria d'Arte Maggiore g.a.m., in order to emphasise once more the artist's significance, not always properly acknowledged by history and art critic, promotes various initiatives as the organization of exhibitions all around Europe and the preparation of a reasoned catalogue for his artworks.

Leoncillo's ceramic sculptures are particularly famous because of their exuberant translation of the informal language. The "explosion" of matter in his all-round artworks corresponds to the drawings's extreme beauty. These are occasions for studying and preparing sculptures, but at the end they become complete and independent works of art.

 In fact Leoncillo used to overlap burns and other actions to the sign and the colour, turning the drawings into a very complex artefact. Paper is not a closed and delimited space anymore, rather it's an open surface where tensions can find expression, even if at the end they will emerge more clearly from the sculptures.

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