Art Across Centuries Ignites Emotion, Myth and allegory at TEFAF New York's star - Studded Opener

Natasha Gural, Forbes, May 10, 2024

Many other works convey subtle or implied mythic narratives. We gaze into the eyes of a contemporary goddess, surveying Allen Jones Body Armour (Kate) (2013), an editioned photograph of supermodel Kate Moss wearing a glittery gold flake body cast sculpture the Pop artist made in 1978 for an unrealized film. Presented by Galleria d'Arte Maggiore - G.A.M. of Bologna, Italy, Venice, and Paris, the portrait of the ethereal beauty transcends time, evoking Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty, sex, fertility, and victory, who is heavily borrowed from the Greek Aphrodite, both likely descendants of Mesopotamian Ishtar, the goddess of love and battle.

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