Rooms with a view. Aby Warburg, Florence and the images laboratory

From September 19th to December 10th the exhibition Rooms with a view. Aby Warburg, Florence and the images laboratory held at Uffizi presents a series of works linked to Aby Warburg, the father of Iconology, in five thematic rooms and other spaces of the Gallery, analyzing: 1) the relationship between Warburg and Florence; 2) the role of the ephemeral; 3) the laboratory of images, first and foremost photographic images; 4) drawing as Pathosformel (pathos formula); and 5) in the room Dance, Ninfa, Fury, the "energetic inversion", another famous concept coined by Warburg.


In this context, Sissi's latest production fits perfectly. Her series of works titled "Trasguardi," presented in October 2022 at the Galleria d'Arte Maggiore g.a.m. in Bologna, has a cultural motive that leads to Warburg through hidden but profound paths. In "Trasguardi," Sissi combines two elements that have always been present in her work: weaving and ceramic sculpture. In the threads of this work, we discern the emerging image of a face, as if a screen were showing us, through a sort of textile radiography, development degrees of a human image. Warburg's reflections on the world of weaving are anything but incidental and incorporate some key concepts of his thinking. It is in an essay on some tapestries at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris (Warburg 1966) that the academic tests the central concept of "Bilderfahrzeuge," which means "vehicles of images." In this work, the figurative hints of faces almost unconsciously emerged, as if the very act of weaving carried an inexhaustible iconic memory inscribed in the hands. Since in this work, the ceramic framework does not serve as a frame but remains open, the colorful weave seems to lean towards other supports and maybe other contexts, becoming a perfect embodiment of Warburg's visual migrations.


For more information:

September 18, 2023
of 19