Claudine Drai au Centre Pompidou à Paris
Les œuvres de Claudine Drai font partie de la collection permanente du Centre Pompidou Décembre 3, 2024 La Galleria Maggiore g.a.m. est heureuse d'annoncer l'acquisition d'un groupe d'œuvres de Claudine Drai dans la collection permanente du Centre... Lire plus -
Giacometti / Morandi. Moments immobiles at the Giacometti Institute in Paris
Novembre 15, 2024 Du 15 novembre 2024 au 2 mars 2025, l’Institut Giacometti de Paris accueille l’exposition Giacometti / Morandi. Moments immobiles ,... Lire plus -
Collaboration with Galleria Continua
Guerre et Paix. Adel Abdessemed & Giorgio Morandi Octobre 17, 2024 Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer une collaboration spéciale avec la Galleria Continua dans son nouvel espace parisien au 108 rue du... Lire plus
Wim Wenders and Claudine Drai at Centre Pompidou in Paris
Projection and discussion of présence Octobre 5, 2023 During an exceptional session at Centre Pompidou on October 5th, 2023 8PM, German filmmaker Wim Wenders presents two 3D installations... Lire plus -
Rooms with a view. Aby Warburg, Florence and the images laboratory Septembre 18, 2023 From September 19th to December 10th the exhibition Rooms with a view. Aby Warburg, Florence and the images laboratory held... Lire plus -
Pirro Cuniberti at Palazzo d'Accursio
Celebrations for the 100th birth anniversary of the artist Septembre 10, 2023 WHAT DO PIRRO AND THIS ARCHED WINDOW OF TIME AND GLASS HAVE IN COMMON? To find out the answer to... Lire plus
Maggiore g.a.m. Project Room | Palazzo Franchetti, Venice
Maggiore g.a.m. Project Room at ACP - Palazzo Franchetti in Venice Mai 19, 2023 Maggiore g.a.m. is happy to announce the opening of the PROJECT ROOM, a new exhibtion venue of the gallery in... Lire plus -
SACRI INDICI Avril 30, 2022 Sissi SACRI INDICI A cura di Leonardo Regano LabOratorio degli Angeli, Bologna 21 gennaio-6 febbraio 2022 In occasione della nuova... Lire plus -
Avril 29, 2022 ACP - Art Capital Partners , in collaboration with Galleria d'Arte Maggiore g.a.m. , is proud to inaugurate in the... Lire plus
Vasco Bendini. Ombre prime
The exhibition at Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea on the occasion of the centenary year of Vasco Bendini’s birth Mars 30, 2022 Galleria d'Arte Maggiore g.a.m. is pleased to announce that on the occasion of the centenary year of Vasco Bendini ’s... Lire plus -
Bertozzi & Casoni Anthropocene
Mars 12, 2022 Bertozzi & Casoni Anthropocene Exhibition - from saturday 12 mar 2022 | to sunday 05 jun 2022 The Galleria Civica... Lire plus -
Crazy - Madness in Contemporary Art
Sissi "Fuori dal buio dell'armadio" with her "Archivio addosso" Mars 9, 2022 Maggiore g.a.m. is pleased to announce the site-specific art installation 'Fuori dal buio dell'armadio' made by Sissi at Chiostro del... Lire plus
Sissi a monument dedicated to Margherita Hack in Milan
"Sguardo fisico" (2022) Février 9, 2022 Maggiore g.a.m. is glad to inform you that the Deloitte Foundation of Milan, in collaboration with Casa degli Artisti and... Lire plus -
Italics | PANORAMA
Septembre 22, 2021 Maggiore g.a.m . is happy to take part to PANORAMA | Procida, an island-wide exhibition on Procida (off the coast... Lire plus -
The Christmas Lights celebrating Lucio Dalla in favor of Fondazione Policlinico Sant'Orsola
Bologna Décembre 25, 2018 The Christmas lights celebrating Lucio Dalla, the charity auction in favor of Fondazione Policlinico Sant'Orsola and the opening of the new Day Hospital of the Oncology Department at Sant'Orsola Hospital. Lire plus
Sissi | Electa
Rizzoli International Publications | New York Mars 15, 2018 Thursday 15 March 2018, 6 pm EST At Rizzoli Internationational Publications , New York Presentation of Sissi 's Monography curated... Lire plus -
Fondazione Prada
Post Zang Tumb Tuuum. Art Life Politics: Italia 1918-1943 Février 18, 2018 Galleria d'Arte Maggiore g.a.m. has loaned some important artworks to the Prada Foundation for the exhibition Post Zang Tumb Tuuum. Art Life Politics: Italia 1918-1943 curated by Germano Celant. Lire plus -
Fondazione Carriero
Fontana - Leoncillo | Forma della materia Mai 6, 2016 In 2016, the Fondazione Carriero in Milan organized an exhibition curated by Francesco Stocchi on the relationship between Leoncillo and... Lire plus