Abu Dhabi Art 2009: Antoni Clavé | Robert Indiana | Sebastian Matta

19 - 22 November 2009 
Booth no. B5

The prestigious showcase of the Abu Dhabi Art is an important opportunity for Galleria d'Arte Maggiore G.A.M. of Bologna, directed by Franco and Roberta Calarotato show its line of research and work: the choice to present in this occasion works by Antoni Clavé, Robert Indiana and Sebastian Matta is the clear sign of an attention focused on few great artists who are able, on one side, to belong to and represent fully our contemporary age and, on the other, to have already deserved their own place in the history of art of the twentieth century. Three artists of paramount importance and internationally famous, but the Gallery is sure that more can be, and should be, done in order to proceed with an appropriate promotional activity doing justice to the depth and the authenticity of the research of these three masters with whom other great contemporaries artists have already confronted, and with whom also the new generations will do the same. Thus, the choice to exhibit Clavé, Indiana and Matta on an international occasion such as the art fair in Abu Dhabi is part of a specific project aiming at consolidating their value, both culturally and concerning the market, through the display of important works of undoubted quality.

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