Art Basel Hong Kong 2017

Convention & Exhibition Centre, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai Hong Kong, China , 23 - 25 March 2017 


PRIVATE VIEW (by invitation only)
21 March 2017 (Tue) 3pm ~ 8pm
22 March 2017 (Wed) 1pm ~ 5pm


22 Mar 2017 (Wed) 5pm ~ 9pm


23 Mar 2017 (Thu) 1pm ~ 8pm
24 Mar 2017 (Fri) 1pm ~ 9pm
25 Mar 2017 (Sat) 11am ~ 6pm


Galleria d'Arte Maggiore G.A.M. propose an important selection of blue-chip artworks focusing on the greatest Masters of the XX century. 
The starting point of this exhibition is Giorgio Morandi, being the gallery the point of reference for this artist in Italy and abroad both for the market and for the instututional promotion. He will be well represented by a group of oils on canvas never exhibited in Hong Kong before: still lives and landascapes dating from the Twenties to the Sixties. More over the gallery will dedicate a special attention to a dialogue between Giorgio de Chirico, selecting works with strong Methaphisical atmosphere, and René Magritte who will be rappresented with some masterpieces, such as the impressive Les profondeurs du plaisir from 1947. Among others - as for exemple Picasso (Tete de femme barbue, 1946, collage and gouache) and Paul Klee - the exhibition will be then enriched also by sculptures, like an intriguing bronze by Joan Mirò and a Seated Cardinal by Giacomo Manzù, recently exhibited at the Museum of the Estorick Collection in London for the show organized in collaboration with the gallery.


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