Artefiera 2022

13 - 15 May 2022 

Galleria d'Arte Maggiore g.a.m. is glad to take part in


Artefiera 2022

Hall 18 | Booth B5


with a selection of works from the XX Century until today

Vasco Bendini, Massimo Campigli, Giorgio de Chirico, Marino Marini, Roberto Sebastian Matta, Giorgio Morandi, Toti Scialoja


a special focus is dedicated to Pirro Cuniberti


With its own typical format on A4 papers, it is on this surface that Pirro Cuniberti develops, within lightness and harmonic balance, his own imaginary alphabet, composed of all the basic elements of the pictorial language (such as the sign, the line, the point, but also letters and numbers). In this way, the artist creates his landscapes, still lives and free structures, all suspended between the world of imagination and memory, stories not forced to answer to a logical order, but that, instead, are illusive appearances, quickly captured in their manifestation, and so forever fixed on the paper by traces of graphite and shadows of colors.


«The surfaces must be small. The observer with a single glance from a few centimeters away will embrace the work in its entirety thus avoiding a useless dispersion of energy »

Pirro Cuniberti in the catalog of the exhibition at Art Warehouse Zattere curated by Francesco Poli, with texts by Francesco Poli and Flaminio Gualdoni, published by Galleria d'Arte Maggiore g.a.m. Bologna, 2007

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