MiArt 2022

fieramilanocity_MiCo – Pad 3 – Gate 5 - viale Scarampo, Milano, 1 - 3 April 2022 
STAND B103 – C104 https://www.miart.it

Galleria d'Arte Maggiore g.a.m. announces its participation to 

MiArt 2022 | STAND B103 – C104

 with a selection of historical and contemporary works that offer an overview of some of the research paths of the Twentieth century to the present day:

Giacomo Balla

Vasco Bendini

Bertozzi & Casoni

Massimo Campigli

Antoni Clavé

Pirro Cuniberti

Giorgio de Chirico

Robert Indiana

Nino Longobardi

Marino Marini

Fausto Melotti

Giorgio Morandi

Mattia Moreni

Toti Scialoja


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